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Strength training and muscle gain reviews

Strength training usually relies on resistance exercises. The resistence may come from body weight (e.g. squats), free weights or weight stacks, hydraulic pressure (some gym apparatus), an elastic material, or anything else that can opposes the force of a muscle contraction. Although many people primarily do strength training exercises to increase muscle mass or tone up, there are a range of other benefits. This makes strength training very popular. There are many different strength training programs available. We have reviewed the 5 most popular strength and muscle gaining programs below.

Muscle Gaining Secrets

Muscle Gaining Secrets
Purpose: Increase muscle mass (bulk up to look good)
Developed by: Jason Ferruggia
His story: Famous strength and conditioning trainer. Jason is somewhat of a celebrity in the health and fitness industry with regular appearances in various media. This guy is a gun. He knows his stuff and he walks the walk. He has a very large and loyal following of people who are ripped… which is enough to make anyone interested in building muscle take notice of what he has to say.
Level: Beginner and Intermediate
Rating: 5/5 STARS!

The program:
  The information in Muscle Gaining Secrets manual is excellent and its easy to read... a rare combination in this type of program. It is easy to understand and use. The 34 week workout plan is great. It includes options for people who don’t have access to the gym. By the end of the 34 weeks you will have the skills and knowledge to progress on by yourself using the same principles. There is also a 16 week workout plan for beginners as well as a 16 week dumbbell and barbell program. The quality of the images are a little below par but this didn’t make any difference to the program. It was also easy to put it onto my phone so I could take with me. The principles used in this program are effective and like Vince DelMonte’s program are consistent with contemporary understanding of muscle physiology. The product is good, but the extras really make the whole program really great value.
Extras:  There are a whole bunch of extra’s included in this program: an exercise database, supplement reports, composition tracker software, audio guide and 1 month inner circle coaching, 10 minute meal guide. These all come with free lifetime updates. Note: at the time of writing this review, these extras are included at no additional cost. An upgrade to include even more extra’s is also available, but I did not purchase this option so can’t comment on their quality.
Comments: Overall this is an outstanding package. This guy is less annoying than Vince DelMonte, however the quality of pictures and look of the product are not as polished.  I think this is the best value package available online, but not quite as comprehensive as DelMonte's. The people selling this program are so confident you will like it, they offer a no questions asked money back guarantee for piece of mind. Verdict: Outstanding program. Best value package available at the moment.
If you want to visit the Muscle Gaining Secrets website click here. (external site)

Vince DelMonte No Nonsense Muscle Building

Vince Delmonte No Nonsense Muscle Building
Purpose: Increase muscle mass (bulk up to look good)
Developed by: Vince DelMonte
His story: Personal trainer and fitness model. While he has had success as a fitness model, most of his fame has been a result of this training method.
Level: Beginner and Intermediate
Rating: 5/5 STARS!        

The program:   This is a comprehensive guide to strength training for increasing muscle bulk. It includes a large manual, with clear instructions to help you build muscle quickly in a safe and effective way. The 52 week workout plan is detailed and specific enough that even a beginner will be able to follow it easily. In addition to the strength training program, it includes 84 sample diet plans, an exercise simulator, supplement reviews and limited personal email consulting.
Extras:  Unlimited email consulting, an audio version of the manual, vegetarian meal plans, budget meal plans, a fat cutting program.
Note: An additional fee is required to access some of the extras.
Comments: This program is best suited to people with access to a gym. Overall this program is excellent.  When I think about the cost of a couple of sessions with a personal trainer it makes me wonder why more people don't access programs like this. The resources provided as part of this program are likely to give you far more long term benefit and empowerment.
Click here to visit the Vince DelMonte No Nonsense muscle building website. (external site)

The Truth About Abs Review

The Truth About Six Pack Abs
Purpose: Lose fat, get great looking abs
Developed by: Michael Geary
His story: Personal trainer and nutritionist. He is mainly famous for this program which is the most popular program available online. Many people have had success with this program.
Level: Beginner and Intermediate
Rating: 5/5 STARS

The program:  This program is as much about nutrition as it is about exercising your abs… and this is the key to great abs. Michael Geary knows that there is no point in using latest fad stomach machine if our diet is rubbish. The nutritional information stops short of giving you specific recipes to follow, but it does allow you to begin to put together the right kinds of meals in your own kitchen. The abdominal routines are certainly great if you want to develop a six pack or firm up that stomach. But this program's greatest strength is the way it is put together in such a comprehensive fashion. It covers motivation, nutrition, fat loss and a great abdominal exercise program.
Extras: DVD ‘5 Keys to fat loss’, 4 motivational audios, 8-week dumbbell program
Comments: If you are simply looking to lose some weight and have a nice looking stomach then this is the program for you. Its straight forward and comprehensive for this purpose. If you are looking to develop peak core strength and stability for a particular sporting endeavour then I’d probably choose a different program.
Verdict: If you want a comprehensive program to get washboard abs then this you won’t be disappointed with this program. I think the whole package is pretty good value.
If you want to visit The Truth About Abs website click here

Accelerated Muscular Development 2.0

Accelerated Muscular Development 2.0
Purpose: Increase muscle mass (bulk up to look good)
Developed by: Jim Smith
His story: This guy has serious cred and has been around the industry for a long time. He has certification as a strength and conditioning specialist through the national association (NSCA).
Level: Beginner and Intermediate
Rating: 4/5 STARS

The program:  This is an electronic manual that will educate you on how to put together an awesome workout that can be completed in a minimal amount of time. The program focuses on the use of compound exercises (using multiple muscle groups in each exercise), which is a tried and tested approach for successful muscle gains with minimum workout times. Another good aspect of this program is the focus on injury prevention and rehabilitation, something that a specialist like Jim Smith understands better than your average trainer. There is an additional manual on recovery. The program also has a good focus on core strength and stability, which also has its own manual. The printable workout sheets are convenient to take with you to the gym (or wherever you workout). For those who want to lose fat while you are building muscle there are a bunch of additional routines you can add to the muscle building program.  No questions asked money back guarantee is also a good thing.
Extras:   Deadlift fundamentals manual + video guide, fat loss guide, additional upper body and lower body training sessions and access to ‘AMD Premier Youtube Channel’ where Jim Smith has video guides on how to (and not to) perform the different exercises.
Comments: There is no question that Jim Smith is a gun. I couldn’t help feel that this program is a little more targeted to athletes (or those who want to look like athletes and already have a bit of fitness). If you are an absolute amateur you may be better off checking out the Muscle Gaining Secrets program. If you are more of an athlete who wants to get stronger to improve your performance then this would be a great program for you.
Verdict: Jim Smith is a legend. This program is great. The videos on the youtube channel are really good for improving your technique. You may find it useful to video yourself on your phone (or something similar) and compare it to the online videos. I don’t think anyone who buys this product and sticks to the workouts will be disappointed with the results.
If you want to visit the Accelerated Muscular Development Program 2.0 website click here (external site)

Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Review

Burn the fat, feed the muscle
Purpose: Lose fat, gain muscle
Developed by: Tom Venuto
His story: This guy is a respected fat loss expert, natural bodybuilder, and personal trainer. He is most famous for this program, which is reportedly the highest selling electronic book on fat loss and muscle gain in history, and with good reason.
Level: Beginner and intermediate.
Rating: 4.5/5 STARS

The program:  This program includes detailed information on almost all elements of successful, healthy, sustainable fat loss. Burn The Fat dispels many myths surrounding what can be a confusing topic. The focus is on fat loss (rather than simply weight loss). By reading Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, you will learn more about fat loss than you could from mainstream diet publications at your local bookstore. This program will allow you to determine your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate, or the amount of "maintenance" calories your body requires every day), and you will find out whether you are carb tolerant or carb intolerant. If you are after a fad diet this is not the program for you. It doesn’t focus on quick fixes. Instead it promotes long term solutions to help you lose fat and gain muscle (as the title suggests).
Extras:  No extras on offer at the time of reviewing this product, however, the book is already very comprehensive and represents good value in my opinion.
Comments: If there is any problem with this product, it is that it contains too much information. There is a lot of fantastic knowledge enclosed in these 340 pages. However, because of the quality of the content, the ease of navigation and the easy reading nature of the text, I think anyone who reads this book will report that it was extremely helpful.
Verdict: A great read. Very informative. Fair value for money given its comprehensive nature.
If you want to visit the Lose Fat, Gain Muscle website click here (external site).

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