Programs for women only

Some women prefer exercise programs that are specifically designed just for women. Its not that other generic exercise programs will not work for women (this is definitely not the case), but its a matter of preference. Often programs designed for women have less focus on machines and bulking up and more focus on better muscle tone, body shape and broader health and well being benefits. For this reason we are in the process of reviewing a number of exercise and weight loss programs just for women. In addition to the general program for women, some programs are specifically designed for pregnancy or recovery following pregnancy. We are currently reviewing:

1. Fit Yummy Yummy
2. Bye Bye Baby Bellie: 12 weeks to success

Additionally, some weight loss and / or muscle gain programs can be tailored for women. If this sounds like something you may be interested in check out the reviews below.

The Truth About Abs Review

The truth about six pack abs
Purpose: Lose fat, get great looking abs
Developed by: Michael Geary
His story: Personal trainer and nutritionist. He is mainly famous for this program which is the most popular program available online. Many people have had success with this program.
Level: Beginner and Intermediate
Rating: 5 STARS

The program:  This program is as much about nutrition as it is about exercising your abs… and this is the key to great abs. Michael Geary knows that there is no point in using latest fad stomach machine if our diet is rubbish. The nutritional information stops short of giving you specific recipes to follow, but it does allow you to begin to put together the right kinds of meals in your own kitchen. The abdominal routines are certainly great if you want to develop a six pack or firm up that stomach. But this programs greatest strength is the way it is put together in such a comprehensive fashion. It covers motivation, nutrition, fat loss and a great abdominal exercise program.
Extras:  DVD ‘5 Keys to fat loss’, 4 motivational audios, 8-week dumbbell program
Comments: If you are simply looking to do abdominal exercises to look good then this is the program for you. Its straight forward and comprehensive for this purpose. If you are looking to develop peak core strength and stability for a particular sporting endeavour then I’d probably choose a different program.
Verdict: If you want a comprehensive program to get washboard abs then this you won’t be disappointed with this program. I think the whole package is pretty good value.
If you want to visit The Truth About Abs website click here (external site)

Combat the Fat

Combat the fat
Purpose: Build muscle to lose fat (muscle mass increases your metabolism)
Developed by: Jeff Anderson
His story: Former fitness instructor in the U.S. military.
Level: Beginner and Intermediate
Rating: 4/5 STARS         

The program:  The program is based on the premise that gaining muscle is the best way to lose fat and keep it off. There is no question that this is a very important principle for those who want to stay healthy and look good in the long term. There is no question that without my existing level of muscle mass, I’d probably be a little overweight myself given the quantity of high calorie foods that I enjoy. However, one of the reasons I do resistance training is to maintain my weight at its current level through boosting my metabolism, so this program really resonated with me. The program includes 3 guides. The first explains the details of military fitness programs. The second includes a comprehensive workout plan and workbook. The third is a very good nutrition guide to complete the package. Each guide is succinct but comprehensive enough. I was surprised at how well written and entertaining each guide was. The program is tailored for men and women.
Extras:  None at the time of writing this review. But for the bargain basement price you pay this program is still good value
Comments: I enjoyed the straightforward and entertaining nature of the guides. The fact that the guides are not too long will be appealing to some. This is a good value program with great information. It has an 8 week money back guarantee for piece of mind.
Verdict: If your looking for a quality program on a budget, then this is the best option available. If you don’t mind forking out a little extra then I’d go with either Vince DeMonte No Nonsense Guide to Muscle Building or Jason Ferraggia’s Muscle Gaining Secrets. That being said these guides are great value.
If you want to visit the Combat the Fat website click here (external site) 

The Diet Solution Program Review

The diet solution
Purpose: Lose fat; increase health and vitality.
Developed by: Isabel De Los Rios
Her story: Nutrition and exercise specialist with 11 years experience helping clients reach their ideal weight. Isabel has a strong educational background in nutrition and exercise physiology.
Level: Suitable for anyone
Rating: 4.5/5 Stars

The program:  The Diet Solution Program is intended to be a complete weight loss program. The manual is really a comprehensive nutritional guide. It is detailed and easy to follow in teaching you the principles you need to follow to finally reach your ideal weight. It gives you meal plans, shopping lists and tasty recipes. I liked that it didn’t push some extreme, unreasonable way to lose weight or a ridiculous fad diet. It actually teaches you how you can make this healthy way of eating into a sustainable lifestyle, which is important if you want to maintain your lower weight. She really shows you that you can eat delicious food, combined the right way, to lose weight and maintain it. Some reported side effects of the whole program include increased health and vitality, decreases in blood sugar levels amongst people at risk of type 2 diabetes, lowered cholesterol, increased energy, elimination of digestive discomfort and cleared skin conditions.  Personally, I didn’t really have any problem with these things to start with. However, I can see how these benefits would come about from the sustained healthy eating that occurs as a result of this program. 
Extras:  Free 7 day starter kit.
Comments: I’d recommend this program to people who are unlikely to stick at an exercise plan but who want to lose weight primarily by healthy eating. This program is good if you want to lose weight without feeling hungry and want to keep your energy levels up. I liked that the program focused on maintaining a healthy body and not resorting to extreme, radical methods or fads.
Verdict: Very good, comprehensive nutrition guide. If you are curious about this program its worth checking out Isabel De Los Rios’s website to get further understanding of the program.
If you want to visit The Diet Solution Program website click here (external site).